Monday, October 1, 2012

blog 10

What kind of learner are you? Click the link below and discover your preferred learning style!

Define and explain which learning style said that you prefer.

______Hands on________________________________ This means _I like to learn by doing it__________________________...

On Thursday we discussed AUGMENTED REALITY. How is AUGMENTED REALITY being used in the classroom. CLICK HERE FOR EDUDEMIC AUGMENTED REALITY *Editor's Note: This is one of my ALL-TIME favorite websites.

After you've read through the article, list the five AR websites that interest you the most, describing them briefly (You may cut and paste the information from Edudemic):
1.drivers ed it helps people to learn to drive
2.imaginary worlds
3.handheld augumented reality project
4.Dow day
5. Field Trips

Choose three of the above websites from above and paste their featured links here:
1. Dow Day
2.Drivers ed
3.Field trips

Of the three websites that you choose to feature, which of them do you find the most beneficial to learning in the classroom with AR? Explain why you choose the site you did! (This is a two step question, answer both parts!)
Dow Day because this shows you what the area around you was like during the Vietnam War.

Take a screenshot of the AR site that you liked the most and paste it here (ask a classmate if you do not remember how to do this - NETWORK!). Save the picture to your H-drive first, the use the BLOG tool PICTURE to post it.

The last think you'll need to do today is check out this link: HOW MUCH WOOD WOULD A WOOD CHUCK CHUCK IF..

Just kidding. After you've looked at the list of TED TALK lectures, list five that you would be interested in viewing in an upcoming class video/discussion forum.
1.Arthur Benjamin does Mathmagic
2.Kieth Barry does brain magic
3.Lennart Green does close up card magic
4.David Perry ar games better than life
5.Jim Toomey learning from sherman the shark

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