Monday, October 1, 2012

blog 10

What kind of learner are you? Click the link below and discover your preferred learning style!

Define and explain which learning style said that you prefer.

______Hands on________________________________ This means _I like to learn by doing it__________________________...

On Thursday we discussed AUGMENTED REALITY. How is AUGMENTED REALITY being used in the classroom. CLICK HERE FOR EDUDEMIC AUGMENTED REALITY *Editor's Note: This is one of my ALL-TIME favorite websites.

After you've read through the article, list the five AR websites that interest you the most, describing them briefly (You may cut and paste the information from Edudemic):
1.drivers ed it helps people to learn to drive
2.imaginary worlds
3.handheld augumented reality project
4.Dow day
5. Field Trips

Choose three of the above websites from above and paste their featured links here:
1. Dow Day
2.Drivers ed
3.Field trips

Of the three websites that you choose to feature, which of them do you find the most beneficial to learning in the classroom with AR? Explain why you choose the site you did! (This is a two step question, answer both parts!)
Dow Day because this shows you what the area around you was like during the Vietnam War.

Take a screenshot of the AR site that you liked the most and paste it here (ask a classmate if you do not remember how to do this - NETWORK!). Save the picture to your H-drive first, the use the BLOG tool PICTURE to post it.

The last think you'll need to do today is check out this link: HOW MUCH WOOD WOULD A WOOD CHUCK CHUCK IF..

Just kidding. After you've looked at the list of TED TALK lectures, list five that you would be interested in viewing in an upcoming class video/discussion forum.
1.Arthur Benjamin does Mathmagic
2.Kieth Barry does brain magic
3.Lennart Green does close up card magic
4.David Perry ar games better than life
5.Jim Toomey learning from sherman the shark

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog 9 Symbolism and Imagery

Sept. 19, 2012

SYMBOLISM -the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character.



IMAGERY-the formation of mental images, figures, or likenesses of things, or of such images collectively: the dim imagery of a dream.


Discuss three different uses of symbolism and imagery in the book, "Fahrenheit 451." Post a picture of this image with each description.
1. As you might expect from a novel about burning books, there’s a whole lot of fire in Fahrenheit 451. We’re not just talking about the burning houses, either. When people are angry, they’re burning with rage inside. When Montag senses Clarisse’s presence, it’s because he feels body heat. When Granger and Co. pick themselves up after the bombing, we get the image of a phoenix rising up from the ashes. This imagery is all over the place.
2. There are several references throughout Fahrenheit 451 to essentially yucky animals and insects (that’s the technical term). When Mildred gets her stomach pumped, the machine is like a snake. The earpiece she wears at night is like a praying mantis. The helicopters in the chase scene are described as insects. Even the Mechanical Hound has eight legs, like a spider. Notice a pattern here? These references all have to do with technology – destructive technology that the government uses to control its citizens. It’s basically a perversion of nature and of the natural order, which fits into the larger themes of Fahrenheit 451 (because in this world of destruction without construction, the natural order is off).
3. The title of the second part of Fahrenheit 451, “The Sieve and the Sand,” is taken from Montag’s childhood memory of trying to fill a sieve with sand on the beach to get a dime from a mischievous cousin and crying at the futility of the task. He compares this memory to his attempt to read the whole Bible as quickly as possible on the subway in the hope that, if he reads fast enough, some of the material will stay in his memory



Monday, September 17, 2012

Blog 8 1st amendment

Monday, September 17, 2012

Civil Liberties

1. Copy and paste a picture of the first amendment.

2. What source did you use for the above?
google images

3. Define civil liberties.

civil liberty

noun Usually, civil liberties.
the freedom of a citizen to exercise customary rights, as of speech or assembly, without unwarranted or arbitrary interference by the government.
such a right as guaranteed by the laws of a country, as in the U.S. by the Bill of Rights.
4. What source did you use for the above?

5. When do you feel civil liberties are infringed upon? Can you give another example of "fringing" on your civil liberties?
I feel the main civil liberty that is fringed upon is freedom of speech and press. When you say something, someone else tells you you cant say that.

Paste a picture to add to your answer.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Blog 5 9/11

 9/11 was a tragic day the twin towers fallen because terrorist's wrecked planes into them including the Pentagon.The attacks of September 11,2001 in the northeast United States were carried out by 19 hijackers affiliated with al- qadea. The hijackers were organized into four teams, each led by a pilot-trained hijacker with four "muscle hijackers", who were trained to help subdue the pilots, passengers, and crew. 15 of the 19 hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Blog 6 civil liberties v.s Airport

Sept. 12, 2012   

Civil Liberties vs. Airport Scanners


Prior 9/11

*Rules not as strict

*Easier and quicker getting onto airplanes

*Kitchen utensils not a big deal

*No full body scanners

*Safer to fly


Post 9/11

*There’s a list of what you can pack

*Body scanners

*Strip searches?!!

*Takes forever to get through security

*Lots of delays


Friday, September 7, 2012

Blog 4 censorship

censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body. It can be done by governments and private organizations or by individuals who engage in self-censorship. It occurs in a variety of different contexts including speech, books, music, films and other arts, the press, radio, television, and the Internet for a variety of reasons including national security, to control obscenity, child pornography, and hate speech, to protect children, to promote or restrict political or religious views, to prevent slander and libel, and to protect intellectual property. It may or may not be legal. Many countries provide strong protections against censorship by law, but none of these protections are absolute and it is frequently necessary to balance conflicting rights in order to determine what can and cannot be censored.

Banned Book is one that has been removed from the shelves of a library, bookstore, or classroom because of its controversial content. In some cases, banned books of the past have been burned and/or refused publication. Possession of banned books has at times been regarded as an act of treason or heresy, which was punishable by death, torture, prison time, or other acts of retribution.

5 Books that have been BANNED

1.Hunger Games
2.Harry Potter
3.Farenheit 451
4.Three Little Pigs

Thursday, September 6, 2012

blog #3 Rob Legato: AWE

Rob Legato is a camera guy he also does special effects in movies. Here are a couple movies he has helped with Apollo 13,Ttanic,Hugo. He talked about angles/shots. Film creates emotion in all of us. I really liked the angles and shots in Hugo. The Titanic shots were really cool too.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

blog 2 451 quote

“If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you'll never learn.”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

                   Hunter Hershberger/google images 2012

Blog 1 451